Bed Slats - Are They Necessary?

For the unaware who have no idea what bed slats are, I will do my best to explain them for you so you're available to understand this article as completely as possible. Bed slats are a collection of wooden pieces that fit underneath your box spring and mattress. They are long, thin pieces of wood, extending from one side of your bed rails to the other, forming a sturdy backbone for your mattress and box spring to rest on. This will allow you to have a heavy mattress on top of the bed rails without falling through to the floor beneath you as you sleep at night.

Crib Rail

The question of whether or not they're necessary items to have in your home is a valid one. After all, who wants to spend extra money on things that you might not actually need to use, especially in today's very tight economy? Fortunately for you, bed rails actually are a necessary expenditure and are highly recommended to purchase. They will prevent your mattress from slipping through the bed rails during the night, allowing you to sleep with a level of comfort and security.

Crib Rail

Without a set of bed rails, there would be no way for your bed to support itself in the air during the night. You would definitely fall through the rails and crash onto the ground, possibly causing an injury and definitely disrupting your sleep. Bed rails are very inexpensive and provide many years of excellent service for such a low cost. They're an incredibly dependable item and should certainly be picked up by any person with a bed and a desire to not wind up on the ground during the night.

In conclusion, there is no reason for you not to purchase a set of bed slats from the manufacturer that you originally bought your bed from. If you don't have the money to go out and purchase a set of bed slats, it is definitely possible for you to make your own with spare wood. It really doesn't take a whole lot of work to make this a possible reality. You'd only need a few pieces of thin wood, sturdy enough to support the bed, to fit from one end of the bed to the other.

Bed Slats - Are They Necessary?
Crib Rail

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