Steam Cleaner - A Better Cleaning Way For a Daycare

Daycare refers to a child care facility during daytime for care, supervision and learning that caters preschoolers and sometimes even care of infants. Aside from the care and learning it provides, Daycare must also give a healthy and safe environment for these children.

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Considering the number of children in a Daycare, it is very typical for germs to spread around quickly. Children are very sensitive and prone to allergies. That is why there is always a need to make a Daycare the healthiest possible to avoid all the health risk which can cause children from constantly getting sick.

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A Daycare is one of the facilities that need to maintain high standards of cleaning to keep a clean and sanitary environment. Is there a better way to clean Daycare?

Clean and Disinfect - the old method

Using old cleaning method that includes chemical based cleaners is really not a kid-friendly way of cleaning. For disinfection, many use one of the most commonly known chemical that is a solution of household bleach and water. This is not safe especially in Daycare because residues of chemicals might be left over in toys or play areas. And for cleaning, just an old mop and bucket that does not thoroughly clean and gives a hygienic facility.

The Better Cleaning Way - steam cleaning method

Vapor steam cleaning is a safe, cheap and environmentally friendly approach to Daycare cleaning and maintenance. It is the latest and most effective in cleaning technology that uses steam cleaners to clean and sanitize surfaces considered most likely to be contaminated like walls, floors, carpets, crib rails, toys, table tops, chairs, desks and areas including food preparation, restrooms, diaper-changing areas, and playroom and exercise areas.

The steam cleaner care provides a healthier indoor environment by removing bacteria, moulds and mildew and chemical contaminants leaving areas sparkling clean and fresh smelling.

Children can benefit extensively from vapor steam cleaning because it only uses water for powerful cleaning results. No chemical residues and unhealthy odors left over that could affect their health.

Keeping Daycare clean and sanitized with the use of steam cleaner is essential to the overall health of children. It is the most excellent care and nurturing way that Daycare can give to their tiny customers. So make your Daycare stand out from the rest by using steam cleaner, tough on germs but gentle on the environment.

Steam Cleaner - A Better Cleaning Way For a Daycare
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